Sunday, January 19, 2014

They Without Sin Cast a Stone

Most of us know the story about the adulterous who was brought before Jesus. The Pharisees hoped to trap Jesus. They asked Jesus what he thought about this woman and that the Law of Moses said they were to stone her in condemnation. Of course the story goes on with Jesus telling the Pharisees if they are without sin to throw the stone. We know that the Pharisees left without incident. Jesus than said to the woman, “...Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one sir,” she said. “ Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” Mark 8:10,11 NIV. A whole sermon could be made with this one story. Did the woman repent before coming to Christ? Did this woman ask for forgiveness? These things are not mentioned any where in the scripture. All we know is, Jesus didn't condemn her. He didn't tell her she was going to hell in a hand basket. He simply said that He doesn't condemn her and she needed to leave her life of sin.

In our daily lives we come into contact with people. Sometimes we think they might be living in sin. We don't know what is in their heart, just as the Pharisees did not know the adulterous heart. But we tend to condemn them and not love them. Are they not a creation of God? Are we suppose to love ALL of God's creations? Yes we need not partake in their lifestyles, but we are to love them. At one point of our lives we were that sinner. We were the one being accused by the Pharisees. Did we get condemned or saved? Think back to the time you accepted Christ into your life. Were you motivated by the fear of going to Hell or were you wanting that great love and forgiveness that only Jesus Christ can offer? So I say to you. Show God's love even if we are with that person for just a second. We all know the words of John 3:16 but the story doesn't end there. John 3:17 NIV says “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world though Him.”

Peace and Love,


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