Sunday, January 26, 2014

Be Gentle With Me

Our scripture this week comes from Galatians 6:1 NIV. Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Galatians 6:1 NIV

Sometimes we will find ourselves complaining to someone about other people. I know I have caught myself doing so. I never, until now, thought about my actual actions. Here I was talking about what someone has done or done to me. I talked as if I was done with that person or could not forgive them. Or worse, that the person was no good and should not be given the time of day. I know I am guilty of this and am constantly in prayer asking forgiveness. I remember lecturing my kids about fighting with each other and said that some day they will only have each other. Yet I myself was fighting with my own sister. What a hypocrit I was. Think about it. If a person hears that kind of spirit coming from you then they might think you would not forgive them for something. Imagine you are in a church and someone said to you. “Johnny was in the restaurant having dinner with a convicted thief. I always thought Johnny was a little funny. How dare he come to church that hypocrit.” What you might not realize is the person behind you heard it. Now that person, who was a convicted thief wanting to give his life to Christ, now he thinks that the people of the church has a non-forgiving spirit and he himself is not worthy of forgiveness. What if your child heard you telling someone that you could never forgive so and so for lying to you. What is that child going to think about him or herself. When we say things like that, we are saying we are better than them. We are worthy of forgiveness and they are not. But remember what was said in Matthew 6:14 NIV For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

How do we gently restore someone? First, we must remember God made and loves that person and if God loves them then we should love them. Second, we must be in constant prayer. Pray for God to speak through you. Pray for God to guide you. Pray for God to give you love and compassion for this person just as God loves and gives compassion to you. The scripture says “you who live by the Spirit...” This is a very important key. We must have the Holy Spirit in us. John 15:5 ends with “apart from me (Christ) you can do nothing.

Remember, Christ didn't say to God, (insert name) is not worthy of my time. They are not worth forgiving. He forgave you and I and loves us. So go out there and be gentle with love.

Peace and Love,


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